Guided Visualization for Pregnancy during a Pandemic + Suggested Tarot Spread

Guided Visualization for Pregnancy during a Pandemic

This guided visualization is intended for folx who are currently pregnant during the Coronavirus pandemic.

This guided visualization is based off of this excerpt from my forthcoming book The Radical Magical Birther:

“Eight of Pentacles - In the eight of pentacles we are coming to some much deserved, sweet relief after a major uprooting. Being a person who is gestating another person, provides you with a direct ability to tap into what it is like to be incubated, to be held, to be unendingly nourished, and surrounded by the warmth of love. Visualize how you are giving that to your baby, at all times, whether you’re trying or not. Visualize how your body is nourishing and caring for them at all times, how the warmth of your blood and love is surrounding them with potent, protective magic. Then transfer that visualization to yourself. If it’s possible, sit in a sunny spot where you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, or if that is unavailable to you at the moment, curl up in your favorite warm blanket. Allow yourself to feel surrounded. Recognize that you too are being incubated, soon to be re-birthed as a whole new person, as a parent (even if this isn’t your first pregnancy, re-birth happens at all major life transitions.)  The gifts of our Mother (the Earth) are here to be your nourishment - soak them up, ingest them. Visualize the baby in your womb, and then visualize yourself in the World’s womb. And know that you are just as protected, you are just as held, you are just as safe, you are just as loved. “

To dive deeper in a more personalized way, you can do this suggested Tarot spread. If you don’t have you own deck, you can utilize a free Tarot deck app like Golden Thread Tarot.

Tarot Spread for Pregnant People During a Pandemic

Follow me on Instagram @thebirthwitch for more Tarot perspectives from a pregnancy, birth, and postpartum lens.

Disclaimer: Information presented on this website, blog are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a licensed health care professional. Doulas do not make specific health claims, diagnoses, or promise medical results. We provide education, emotional support, guidance, pregnancy, labor, postpartum, and breastfeeding support. Please note that opinions on this site are my views and conclusions based on the research I have done, my personal experience or experiences relayed to me from friends and associates. It should never replace medical advice from your doctor or midwife.